Since 1991 we have been committed to providing you with the most efficient, simple and robust filling machines, labelling machines and complete packaging lines. To do this, we design, adapt and produce the parts of our machines while relying on a traveling team of reactive technicians for your assistance or troubleshooting needs. In order to guarantee ever more responsiveness to your maintenance needs, we deploy all the tools in our possession to serve your production.

Among them, the remote maintenance box.

Directly integrated into our machines, this remote maintenance unit enables remote diagnostics, troubleshooting and optimization of your packaging equipment.


How does the remote maintenance unit look?


When ordering your filler, labeller or complete CDA packaging line, you can choose the remote maintenance option to ensure quick remote troubleshooting should you need it. If you choose this option, we will include our remote maintenance box directly in your machine. Your machine will then be equipped with an RJ45 socket on its chassis which will allow you to connect an ethernet cable connected to the Internet to perform remote maintenance operations when you need it.




All the CDA expertise in your machine


Once your machine is connected to the Internet, your remote maintenance unit communicates with our teams who then benefit from a real-time view of the machine and its history. It is then possible for us to offer you assistance with settings, fault diagnosis, program updates or even the addition of options.

There are many advantages for you in using your machine:

  • Ease of use
  • Speed of intervention and time saving
  • Personalized support
  • Optimization of your machine
  • Real time assistance



Several tools at your service


The most sophisticated tool for handling your machine remotely, our remote maintenance unit is not the only option.

Our team also relies on a nomadic box that it can send to customers not equipped with the remote maintenance box for program improvement operations or to resolve various failures on the PLC. This box, once received by the customer, connects to the controller as well as to an Internet connection to be operational. It must subsequently be returned to CDA and does not allow such immediate support as the remote maintenance unit directly installed in our machines. However, it constitutes an alternative for remote repairs.



Would you like to know more about our remote maintenance unit?

Do not hesitate to seek advice from our experts team. We are at your disposal to offer you packaging solutions to match your projects.